"Anti-gay and anti-dope
I am the faggot anti-pope"
I'm 100% heterosexual (as far as you can be that for 100%...) but I would like to say that I wish all the homosexuals / lesbians / bisexuals / transsexuals etc. all the luck in the world in their battle against prejudices like those of the pope.
To start my argument, I will first explain the title of this message: this is from the song 1996 by Marilyn Manson; my interpretation of this song is that it's a parody on the narrow-minded ideas of the "anti-people"; the pope is without a doubt one of the people who are being ridiculed in this song. And quite rightly. (In the phrase that is the title of this message, MM is thus "parodizing" the pope (parodizing (forgive me my spelling please) = make something look ridiculous by imitating it and, while doing so, stressing the bad and ridiculous sides of it. An example: the way N'Sync are portrayed in the video of Eminem's song "The Real Slim Shady.")
When you're reading the newspaper nowadays, and especially the foreign news (but the Dutch news doesn't stay far behind), you read the most horrible messages. So many people on earth are suffering from pain, physically as well as mentally, by the narrow-minded ideas of others. On 99% of the earth, people are being discriminated, bullied, looked down on, or even sentenced because of things they can't do anything about. These things are, for example, origine, skin color, religion, or... guess what... sexual preference. Look at what's happening on the Moluccas. Or in Northern Ireland. I think these things happen every day in countries like Iran (especially gays are not exactly well of there, to put it that way), but these things aren't even mentioned in the newspapers anymore because they have are so normal; they happen every day. And besides, lots of people in such countries are afraid to admit their homosexual feelings, just out of fear of reprisals. When I hear the word "reprisal", a thought occurs to me: the adjective "re-" seems to point out that these people are "gotten back at", or in other words, they are being punished for something they did. But WHAT did they do then? They are attracted to people of the same sex! Oh my God! I don't see what these people can do about that.
Look at the USA. Homosexuals there are sometimes killed in the most horrible ways by "queer-bashers." Dear mister pope, isn't that the EXACT same thing as what is happening on the Moluccas now? In those cases in the US it's about sexual preference; on the Moluccas it's about religion. In both these cases, it's thus about things that people can't do anything about. (Especially because on the Moluccas, your religion doens't seem to be determined by what you believe, but by who your parents are. I could write a couple of pages about that alone....)
Dear mister pope, if you condemn the religious war on the Moluccas, then don't you think it's a LITTLE bit hypocritical what you are saying about homosexual people now?
As long as people are being judged on account of things they can't do anything about (like, in this case, their sexual preference), there will never be something like "peace on earth" and "tolerance." Isn't it a little sad that nota bene the LEADER of an organization (the catholic church) that has charity and neighbourly love as such a high priority (according to themselves anyway...), is preaching THE EXACT OPPOSITE of those things? The fact that fascist dipshits have the same ideas as the pope, must say something about the lack of intelligence that is required to come to those ideas. By the way, I think that pope is a fascist himself too, only he is blessed with the art to disguise it as a religion. And apparently it's legal then.
Dear mister pope, how would you feel if all the people with a sexual "defect" announce the year 2001 to be a celebration year, and in that year try to forbid all the catholic people to go to church?
The fact that, as far as I know, not any gay person has suggested this idea, is in my eyes indicating that the intelligence of the average homosexual is a lot higher than the intelligence of the pope. Not that that is so hard to achieve... And it also indicates that the average homosexual is apparently a lot more of a christian than the pope himself.
Look, actually this pope-guy is a rather pathetic person. Old, cripple, demented, "keeps touching his kruis all day" (kruis = 'cross', but also 'crotch') (I read that in last Wednesday's newspaper!).... actually we should leave such a man alone, just out of pity. But you see, the problem is that this guy is being seen as some sort of saint by millions of people all over the world.
Don't expect the end of the world to come out of the blue one day. The earth has started to perish slowly but surely at the moment it was formed. It won't be a gunshot that settles the matter. It won't be a knife-thrust. It's not an atom bomb either. It's prejudices; blind hate and intolerance against things that are not understood by others. And as long as those factors are present, people really won't need guns, knives of atom bombs to kill eachother.